AI Image Generator

Describe what you want to see and we will generate an image for you



Your creations are visible publicly and anonymously.

Generated image will show here

How to Use AI Image Generator

How to use image generator
  1. 1Enter the image prompt to describe the image you want to generate
  2. 2Choose your preferred image model and size
  3. 3Click the "Generate Image" button
  4. 4Wait a few seconds for your image to be generated
  5. 5Download or further edit the generated image

Model Comparison

Discover the difference of Image models

FeaturesFLUX.1 ProFLUX.1 DevFLUX.1 Schnell
Generation Cost20 Credits10 Credits1 Credit
Image QualityHighest, rich in details, strong realismHigher than Schnell, close to ProSlightly lower than Dev, minor loss in details
FLUX.1 Pro ExamplePro
FLUX.1 Dev ExampleDev
FLUX.1 Schnell ExampleSchnell
FLUX.1 Pro ExamplePro
FLUX.1 Dev ExampleDev
FLUX.1 Schnell ExampleSchnell
FLUX.1 Pro ExamplePro
FLUX.1 Dev ExampleDev
FLUX.1 Schnell ExampleSchnell
Processing SpeedSlower, prioritizing qualityFaster than Pro, slower than Schnell Fastest, but sacrifices some quality
Realistic HumansExcellentExcellentGood
Realistic HumansExcellentExcellentGood
Text RenderingExcellentExcellentGood
Applicable ScenariosCommercial applications demanding highest qualityResearch, education, personal projects, and other non-commercial fieldsRapid prototyping, local development, applications requiring speed

Frequently asked questions

Do you have any questions? We have got you covered.

An AI Image Generator is an advanced tool that uses artificial intelligence text-to-image model to create unique images based on image prompts(text descriptions). It leverages deep learning models to interpret textual input and generate corresponding visual content, enabling users to bring their ideas to life without traditional artistic skills.

AI Image Generators work by processing image prompts through sophisticated neural networks. These networks have been trained on vast datasets of images and their descriptions. When given a image prompt, the AI analyzes the text, understands the context and details, and then generates a new image that matches the description as closely as possible.

Everyone can choose from various aspect ratios: Square (1024x1024), Portrait 4:3 (768x1024), Portrait 16:9 (576x1024), Landscape 4:3 (1024x768), and Landscape 16:9 (1024x576).

We currently support flux1 series models. Including flux.1 Schnell, flux.1 dev and flux.1 pro. You can see the difference in model comparing table. We are keeping focus on the development of new text-to-image models and take them into AI Image Generator.

During the free trial, generated images may be anonymously shared publicly. Subscribed users have access to private image generation features.

To improve the quality of AI-generated images: 1) Use detailed and specific prompts. 2) Experiment with different phrasings and keywords. 3) Include style references (Explore our inspiration gallery for more image prompt of image styles). 4) Specify desired image qualities like lighting, composition, or mood. 5) Iterate on successful prompts to refine results.

Using an AI Image Generator offers several advantages: 1) It allows for rapid creation of unique images without artistic skills. 2) It provides endless creative possibilities, limited only by your imagination. 3) It's time-efficient, producing images in seconds or minutes. 4) It can be cost-effective compared to hiring artists for multiple projects.

You are allowed to use AI-generated images by our AI Image Generator for commercial purposes by subscribing to our plans.

While powerful, AI Image Generators do have limitations: 1) They may struggle with complex scenes or specific details. 2) Generated images might contain inconsistencies or errors. 3) They can't replicate copyrighted characters or logos. 4) The quality can vary based on the complexity of the prompt. 5) They may have biases based on their training data. 6) They can't truly 'understand' context or emotions like human artists.

AI Image Generation differs from traditional digital art in several ways: 1) It's text-driven rather than manually created. 2) It can produce images much faster. 3) It doesn't require traditional artistic skills. 4) It can generate a wide variety of styles and concepts quickly. 5) However, it lacks the precise control and personal touch of human-created art. 6) AI-generated art is based on existing data, while human artists can create truly original concepts.

When using AI Image Generators, consider these ethical points: 1) Respect copyright and don't attempt to replicate specific artworks or characters. 2) Be aware of potential biases in the AI's outputs. 3) Clearly disclose when images are AI-generated, especially in professional contexts. 4) Consider the impact on human artists and the creative industry. 5) Be mindful of generating sensitive or controversial content. 6) Understand and adhere to the terms of service of the AI tool you're using.

Explore Image Prompt Inspirations

Spark Ideas for Your AI-Generated Masterpiece